Final Match
Objective: The attention of the students should be drawn to the fact that it is not appropriate to respond without knowing the whole thing.
Time: At least two days or until the teacher is satisfied

The class should begin with the process of paying attention to 2-3 minutes of breathing.

Misha and Uday studied in the fourth grade. Misha would have played very good cricket, was ready to help her teammates and would study. That's why Misha was everyone's favorite. Being jealous, this thing would have upset Uday sometimes. Today, in the final match of cricket, his Section A was to play with Section D. Misha was late to reach the ground for the match. After the match was over, other children in the class asked him the reason for coming late. Before he could answer, Uday said, "Misha, you are very careless. At least in the final match, it would have arrived on time.
When Uday reached his house, he saw that many neighbours had gathered in the room. The mother looked upset, seeing her father lying on the bed, Uday asked the mother what had happened to papa?  His mother said, "When your father went for a walk in the morning, he fell unconscious on the pavement and got hit in his head. It's good for Misha, who was passing by. She came to tell me at home and I took your father to the doctor, so that he could be treated on time. Uday was thinking, whom he was exhorting for not coming on time, due to which his father was treated at the right time. The next day, when he reached school, he thanked Misha.

Direction of discussion
To receive one's feelings and thoughts in the true sense, it is necessary that he be listened to with patience. The haste to consider one's own ideas superior and to have your say increases ambiguity and distance in the exchange of ideas. It hinders the right direction of the conversation or task and also creates a rift in the relationship. It is an attempt to take the attention of the students towards this through a discussion based on this story.

The first day:

Questions for discussion

  1. Can you tell of an incident when you have not listened carefully to what others have said? (Parents, brothers and sisters, teachers)
  2. Did you try to know the whole thing while listening to another? Why yes? Otherwise, why not?
  3.  What did you do when you found out the whole thing?
  4. Who do you listen to attentively?!

Go home and look, ask, understand (for the students)

  1. Try to go home and discuss this story and learn their thoughts and experiences from other family members.
  2. Find out in your neighborhood what works people do for society after reading and writing? Do illiterate people also do a lot for society? What have you seen them do for society?
  3. Sit quietly for 1-2 minutes at the end of the class and think about the conclusion of today's discussion.
  4. The feedback received from home can be shared by the students in small groups. Some students should be given opportunities to share their home experiences with everyone in the classroom.
  5. Questions from the first day's discussion can be used again for students who have been absent the previous day or have not been able to answer the questions due to lack of time.

A few other questions to discuss
1. Are you able to answer the whole question properly without hearing it, why or why not?
How do you feel when someone reacts without listening to your whole thing? Why?
When are your relationships better when you respond without listening to someone's whole thing or when you respond by listening to someone's whole thing? Why?

Sit quietly for 1-2 minutes at the end of the class and think about the conclusion of today's discussion.

Shalini Aggarwal

Hello everyone! My name is Shalini.I am 26, and I am an Indian.I am a Teacher by profession but I love to do blogging as well.

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