Q. Post-modernism. Comment (CSE 2017)
NOTE: Although different questions have target different knowledge Check. Hence, different question demand different answer. it can’t be generalised in a single model.
Analysis and Demand of the question :
- Who are the prominent philosophers that associated with postmodernism ?
(Lyotard, Foucault, Jacques Derrida, Carl Popper)
- What are the philosophies/ Theory of postmodernism ?
- What is the final output of the theory or philosophy ?
Answer Model :
Introduction : A sort brief about what we are going to explain further in the body of the answer.
Body : Write the philosophy or ideology of the prominent scholars or philosophers Along with Their Name. (Mention of philosophy/theory along with name of philosopher is must)
Conclusion : Final essence of the theory or philosophy that we have explained in the body. Can also write present Views of the ideology or philosophy.
Final Answer :
Introduction : Post-modernism came as a reaction to modernism. If modernism was about objectivity, post-modernism was about subjectivity. It is the belief that there is no absolute reality and the reality is socially constructed. Scholars like Lyotard, Foucault, Jacques Derrida and Karl Popper are the proponents of this approach and have extensive thought about post-modernism.
Lyotard popularized post-modernism in his book "The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge" as an incredulity towards meta-narratives. By this he meant skepticism about all creeds and ideas that are based upon universal theories of history which Views society as a coherent totality.
Foucault, who was influenced by Nietzsche, is treated as father of post-modernism. According to Nietzsche, the "will for truth" is never separable from the 'will to power'. He also held that knowledge is power. So, he gave the concept of discourse. According to him, "reality is too complex, that it is not possible to identify the structures". He also held that we do not discover the truth rather we invent the truth.
Jacques Derrida, a post-modern thinker, has proposed "deconstruction" as an approach to understand the different meanings of a given text or piece of writing. According to him, a particular text can have multiple meanings. It is also not possible that the other person receives exactly what is being communicated. So, there are chances of misunderstandings. Hence, he held every understanding can be a misunderstanding.
However, post-modernist thought has criticized of relativism and conservatism on the ground that a non-foundation a list political science offers no perspective from which the existing order may be criticized.